Saturday, December 3, 2011

waltz...with her!

'God! having a waltz with her...leading her!'
He thought for a moment when the night queen came to him
And asked for a dance...
He memorized his steps...he knew them all good!
Having a waltz with lustrously present in the white gown...and diamonds...
He was perspiring;

He stood up...
Looked at his shiny shoes...
Tried to see his face on the leather...
The music had started meanwhile...
She was waiting with her arms to be taken and placed...method!

He hit the floor...
Tensed no doubt...but the music...
'Get to the music...'
She whispered...
He heard her...and got a glimpse of people watching him and her...
'You can do it...just place your hands on me...'
She whispered to his ear...
He got the tingle...
He got the hint...
And placed his hand on her...
He felt his moist nervous palms slipping on her...
But she was staring at him...
Her blue eyes...
Red lips...
Flowing music...
He took the lead,( nudged by her, of course!)
But that was the only nudge he needed...that evening!

The rest followed, automatically...
He knew his steps...
He memorised them...
He put his left foot forward quickly followed by his right one going horizontal...
Then he dragged her halfway to take her by his stride...
He moved from his second position
As soon as he heard the change of music...which became faster...
He pushed himself back...his right foot going back...
Followed it by his left one...
On the floor now he could see the exact drawing made by their footsteps!
He just kept his mind on the invisible design...
That looked like a complex curve with a lot of 'u'es and turns...
The music got slower...
He also followed it...
The lady was his arms...he noticed after a while...
'Goddamn! you're a real dancer!'
She gushed...leaning on his shoulder as he thought of making the design on the floor a bit tricky...
'Ready for more?'
He gushed...
She winked her eyes...
He swapped her position with his...
In a wink of an eye...
And heard at once a roar of applause...
And her flushed pinkish face said it all...
She was unexpectedly pleased...
She was leaving her body to his whims...
And he took her to his stride...
With no hands slipping... the sweaty palms became non existent!

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